
skoglund 'shimmering madness'

'Shimmering madness'
Sandy Skoglund
I looked up some photography books in library
and I found Skoglund's work. The Human being
was surrounded by jelly-bean-like things.
The colours are pink, yellow, green, purple,
white, red, and orange. When all these colours
are layed out together, it looks very disturbing
and confusing. But I thought it brings such a good
effect on disguising the people (wrapped with beans).


The Cold War

The Cold War


Sandy Skoglund

I found this photograph in the library. The book is called 'Colour Photography' By Gabriel Bauret. I don't have a specific idea about my final project but i thought this picture would help me going. The small army toys holding a weapon each seems quite frightening to me. The toys are just like ants lineing up in rows to attack a huge enemy. Skoglund has used contrasting colours such as bright yellow and red. I got impressions of fear, powerful, and strong feelings.

Sandy Skoglund

Sandy Skoglund
born 11 Sept 1946
is an American photographer and installation artist.
Skoglund creates images by building sets,
furnishing them with
selected colourful furnitures and objects.
The works are characterized by either bright,
contrasting colours or a monochromatic colour scheme.
The colours are important in my project.
The theme of my project is 'disguise'
Disguise as in texture?
All the textures will have various of colours.